01 Jun Are You a Good Candidate for Shoulder Pain Physical Therapy?
If you are an athlete or a physically active person, it’s very likely that you might experience shoulder pain. The pain can be sharp or dull, and it can limit your ability to perform your daily activities. Shoulder weakness/imbalance can cause tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow and can also be a catalyst to neck pain. As such, you may be curious about different treatments and even medications that can help to relieve or eliminate your pain. Physical therapy is a great option for people experiencing shoulder pain. In this blog post, we will explore how shoulder pain physical therapy can relieve pain and who can benefit from physical therapy.
How Physical Therapy Helps Shoulder Pain
Physical therapy is a non-invasive treatment that focuses on improving mobility, reducing discomfort, and preventing further injuries. A physical therapist will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan based on your specific needs and goals.
One of the main benefits of physical therapy is it can help rebalance the muscles around the shoulder girdle . Weak or imbalanced muscles can cause the shoulder joint to become unstable, leading to discomfort and injury. By strengthening these muscles, physical therapy can improve the stability of the shoulder joint, support the neck, and prevent further injuries for a return to an active lifestyle.
Physical therapy can also help your shoulders by helping to improve your range of motion and flexibility. Shoulder pain may limit mobility, making it difficult to perform simple tasks like reaching overhead or behind your back. A physical therapist can design a stretching and exercise program to help improve your range of motion and reduce stiffness.
Who is a Good Candidate for Shoulder Pain Physical Therapy?
If you are experiencing shoulder pain, physical therapy may be a good option for you. Physical therapy can help relieve pain and improve function in a variety of conditions, including:
- Rotator cuff injuries: The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that attach to the shoulder blade and help stabilize the shoulder joint. Rotator cuff injuries are common and can cause pain, weakness, and limited mobility.
- Frozen shoulder: Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a condition that causes stiffness and pain in the shoulder joint. Physical therapy can help improve range of motion and reduce pain in patients with a frozen shoulder.
- Shoulder impingement syndrome: Shoulder impingement syndrome occurs when the tendons around the shoulder become compressed or pinched. This can cause pain and limited mobility. Physical therapy can help relieve pain and improve shoulder function in patients with shoulder impingement syndrome.
- Bursitis: Bursitis is inflammation of the bursa, a small fluid-filled sac that cushions and lubricates the joint. Physical therapy can help reduce inflammation and improve shoulder function in patients with bursitis.
- Shoulder arthritis: Arthritis is a degenerative condition that can cause pain and stiffness in the shoulder joint. Physical therapy can help improve range of motion and reduce pain in patients with shoulder arthritis.
If you are struggling with any of these shoulder conditions, physical therapy may be a beneficial treatment plan for you.
Contact a Physical Therapist Today
Physical therapy can be a highly effective treatment for shoulder discomfort and dysfunction. By improving strength, mobility, and flexibility, physical therapy can help reduce pain and prevent further injuries. If you are experiencing pain, consider scheduling an appointment with a physical therapist to learn more about how physical therapy can help you.
Tonic Physical Therapy experts specialize in shoulder pain physical therapy in NYC and can help you improve your shoulder function and reduce your discomfort. Tonic also offers online courses to help guide your recovery and physical therapy from home! Check out these courses here. Contact Tonic Physical Therapy today for more information!