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Effective PT Programs for the Incurably Active

Tonic Physical Therapy is the healthcare practice of Tonya Juge, CFMT. With 15 years of experience and a state-of-the-art education, Tonya delivers perfectly tailored programs that unravel even the toughest pains.

Our Promise

Healing is possible. No matter your history, you will start to experience real relief within one month. After 4-12 weeks, you’ll walk away with an active lifestyle, dramatically reduced pain, and a toolkit of techniques to stay healthy for life.

Why Tonya?

Tonya Juge is an expert in the human body. After recovering from an “incurable” back injury at 19, she set out to heal others through Physical Therapy. Her credentials include:

  • Bachelor’s in Health Science
  • Master’s in Physical Therapy
  • Certification in Functional Manual Therapy® (one of 200 in the U.S.)
  • Licensing by New York State
  • Membership in the American Physical Therapist Association
  • Doctorate of Physical Therapy (in progress)

In addition to incredible results, clients love Tonya’s creativity, thoughtfulness, and encyclopedic knowledge. A “true professional,” she brings 16 years of experience and a refreshing vision of client-centered healthcare to every session.

Our Method

Very few treatments address all the facets of a physical problem. Tonya gets incredible results by putting the whole puzzle together. She relies on a deep understanding of each unique body, simple equipment, and high expectations of her clients. To give each body the attention that truly effective care requires, Tonya delivers out-of-network services directly in your home or office.

Schedule an introductory visit. Call (347) 974-7209.


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Call today to set up an introductory visit.
(347) 974-7209

Tonya will talk you through Tonic’s methods and answer all your PT questions
in the comfort of your own home—free of charge, no strings attached.


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